Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Agama Lizards versus Iguanas as Pets

Example of Agama Lizards
Agama Lizards

Agamas agamas is really a large family of lizards from Africa, Asia, and Australia, members of which often find their way into terrariums: the number of species is far too numerous to list here, some growing as much as a metre in length, some only a matter of centimetres in  length.

Certain agama lizards have the ability to change colour to some extent, a great example being the Indian Changeable Lizard, or ‘Bloodsucker’. It does not truly suck blood, but in the mating season the male will turn bright red concerning the throat and chest as component of a threatening display similar to that found in birds and fish.

Agama lizards might require rocks to climb on, sand to burrow in, or ‘trees’ to hide in, so it is wise at first to provide a mixed set-up to determine what a specific animal prefers after which increase the quantity of his favourite cover. Above all agama lizards require space, particularly when in contact with with humans; it is commonplace for agama lizards to damage snouts, heads, and tails by banging around trying to escape from too-small an enclosure. This link on iguanas for sale and buying them is a great source. An approximate guide might be that the run should be a minimum ten times the length of the agama lizards themselves. Many agama lizards can withstand a high temperature, but they will require a pool in which to bathe and cool off. The pool, preferably a shallow dish, should not be placed directly under the heat, otherwise the water will evaporate too quickly and the temperature of the remainder of the water will turn out to be excessive.

Most members of this family have extremely good teeth, that are fixed to the skull, and even the smallest species can bite fiercely. Agama Lizards’ food depends upon size and habitat, some becoming very specialised: for example, the Australian Moloch horridus feeds only on ants. Most little agamids will take insect prey, but the bigger species have no trouble with small birds and mammals, or even reptiles smaller than themselves – because of this big and little agamids don’t co-exist peacefully.
Breeding Agama Lizards

Agama lizards are oviparous and might well mate and lay eggs in the terrarium. If mating is noticed and the female begins to swell, it is time to prepare a maternity cage, because she will want to bury her eggs within the correct medium. Suitable media include sphagnum moss, peat, sand, vermiculite, or clean dry earth. Ideally, the pregnant female ought to be placed in a terrarium containing an assortment of media, so she can make her own choice. The choice of dry or damp remains: the expectant mother will figure this out, if required, by urinating over the nest of eggs. It is therefore essential to offer her clean drinking water.

Amphisbaenia - worm lizard

Closeup of an Amphisbaenia's head

image source

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fishing Can Cure the Soul - Aquarium Oscar Fish are Huge

People make a huge investment in their fishing gear and when you add up the price of fishing reels, fishing tackle, line, knives, nets, and more the costs of fishing as a hobby will slowly start to mount up. Luckily, if you keep your fishing gear in good shape you will not have to worry about paying too much on replacements, this is due to the fact that you should be able to use most of your gear for decades with the proper maintenance tips.

Proper Storage

The very first thing that you can do to prolong the life of your fishing equipment is keep it stored properly. Avoid storing it in any location that gets moist or damp, which could mean the garage or shed depending on how well ventilated these areas are. Continual exposure to damp air will lead to rust and mould at a much quicker rate. Instead, choose a dry and reasonably heated area to store all of your gear and you will extend its lifespan immensely.

Keep It Sorted

When it comes to storing your equipment it is important that you keep it sorted correctly to extend its lifespan. Bait and tackle can easily get tangled together in line and along the reel causing large snarls that break lines and ruin hooks as you attempt to untangle everything. Instead of finding yourself in this situation, buy separate tackle boxes and storage boxes to alleviate this problem altogether. Finding the oscar fish best food for the oscar fish will greatly higher your odds of catching them. The end result will be of convenience and practicability since you can find anything you need easily and don’t have to worry about anything being ruined in the meantime.

Proper Cleaning

It may seem odd to clean fishing gear; after all, there is not much point to cleaning an item that is going into a dirty lake or canal. However, there is a sound case for using an ultrasonic cleaner to get a deep clean of your fishing gear. The simple fact is that dirt and grime will build up on fishing gear over time and this will eventually contribute to the buildup of rust and mould. Once rust or mould starts to form your equipment will be ruined, but you can prevent this with an ultrasonic cleaner that is capable of getting the dirt off quicker. It should only take a few minutes to quickly clean all of your gear if you use an utlrasonic cleaner, and you can even clean a fishing reel this way. The end result is that your fishing gear will last longer and is much less likely to let you down just when it matters most.

Replace As Needed

Of course, sometimes equipment does get old and rusty or tackle becomes broken and damaged. It is important to acknowledge this fact and replace as needed because it is just not worth it to hang onto everything. By regularly cleaning out your supplies you will make more room for proper storage and help to keep your gear clean overall and in the best condition possible.

Feeding Your Pets Worms as Food - Fish Love Them

There is no doubt about it; fishing in the UK is fast turning into an art-form. Part of the reason for this is that many of the rivers have become over fished, whilst the remaining fish seem to be better at avoiding the angler’s tactics.

There are many considerations that should be taken into account to ensure a successful day or nights fishing. One of these factors is the type of bait that should be used to attract the fish to your hook. For the novice fisherman this can be one of the hardest aspects of fishing as many a long hour can be wasted if you choose badly.

This blog post will take a closer look at the typical live worm baits that can be used around the UK. Perhaps more importantly it will offer some tips that will help to improve your catch ratio.

Without question one of the most effective ways to catch fish is to use the Dendrobaena worm.

Anglers love these tough worms as they wriggle like no others. More importantly this is one of the key attractions that get the elusive fish to take interest in your hook. These lively worms are able to survive for longer periods, even in the colder waters around the UK.

When it comes to looking for the Dendrobaena worms for sale it is worth noting that they can normally be purchased in any of three different sizes:


Most anglers find that when fishing in some of the smaller ponds or canals then the smaller worms make for the ideal bait. Fish that tend to enjoy the pursuit of the medium and larger worms include: Tench, Bream, Pearch, Roach and even Carp.

Some of these Dendrobaena can even be found in unusual colours, bright green for example.  This is where the worm supplier will have fed them a special nutrient diet. The key benefit here is that these worms can be seen if murkier waters. Additionally it should be noted that they also perfect for attracting the specimen fish that have grown accustomed to the usual run of the mill baits.
Lob Worms

Pike Fishing Over the years the humble Lob worm has established itself as the worm of choice for many top anglers.

Suitable in the pursuit of some bigger specimen of fish these hardy worms are difficult to breed in captivity. This is why many of the top suppliers will import them into the UK from as far afield as Canada. Shop carefully here as it is important that your Lob worms arrive in good condition.

Generally speaking there are two variations of size for these worms. The smaller ones will be somewhere between 8 and 10 cm in length with the larger ones measuring up to 16cm. Pet fish like the aquarium silver dollar species love small bits of worms.

A keen angler can expect to entice many of the larger types of fish with these worms, including Carp, Catfish, Pike and even Salmon. Once again, when shopping around for these worms for sale it is also possible to find them in a bright green shade. The lifecycle of a mealworm is quite impressive. Perfect for providing the fish with an alternative to what they would normally see.
Mixed Worms

Another great worm variation comes in the form of mixed worms. Here the angler will normally have a selection of Red, Tiger and the Dendrobaena worms which tend to allow for even greater flexibility. Many top anglers won’t even attempt to go fishing without ensuring that they have a good selection of mixed worms available.
Worm Care and Storage

Providing that you have purchased your worms from a reputable supplier you should find that they will last for quite a while. Very often the angler can revisit the worm supply for close to 3 weeks on the basis that the worms are stored in a cool and dry place.

If you are intending to use the worms for a longer period than this it will be sensible to transfer them to a ventilated bucket. Additional worm bedding and feed will probably be a good idea too, which will serve to extend the life and ultimately the usability of your worms.

Keeping Animals in Ponds - Pet Fish are a Fun Addition

When it comes to pond construction the most important factor to consider is the liner.  For both domestic projects and commercial ponds, in aquatic and garden centres, the pond liner is what will ultimately ensure the success of the pond.  Modern epalyn liners are an excellent choice and box welded pond liners are popular in the commercial sector.  Getting the liner right in the first place will ensure that the water stays put – but getting it wrong can be disastrous, resulting in a de-constrution project in the not so distant future.
The Old Favourite

Butyl pond liners have been with us for over forty years and in many cases existing ponds of this age still have strong, robust linings that do exactly what they’re supposed to do.  In terms of longevity butyl has proved itself over the years and can still be a good choice.  It’s one of the most readily available materials in both high street stores, garden centers and online.  Butyl can be box welded and is a popular choice for rectangular or square ponds seen in commercial settings.  Insect damage to butyl is not unknown, however, with some larvae eating the lining material.  This is fairly rare and tends to be most common in warmer parts of the UK in the south.  EDPM liners don’t seem to suffer from the same problem and can be a good alternative.
Free Lunches and Fish Suppers

Epayln has one distinct advantage over butyl in that it’s usually the cheaper option.  It can, like other materials be box welded.  I've been keeping platy species fish in ponds for years. For commercial ponds, once the liner is installed there are limited risks to the actual liner.  In domestic gardens the risks are not great but there are certainly more.  These include the danger of tearing by animals and birds (herons, in particular), and damage from some plant roots.

Damage by animals is usually the result of animals falling into water and attempting to escape (or being rescued).  If the water level is low and the liner exposed they can damage the liner as they attempt to escape, so keeping the liner covered and the pond well topped up is essential.  Herons, while being beautiful birds, can be a downright nuisance especially in ponds with fish.  The most likely danger is from their inquisitive, hungry and stabbing beaks as they attempt to prove there is such a thing as a free lunch.  The best defense is to ensure they can’t stab at the liner in shallow areas of the pond – by using marginal aquatic planting and pots to protect shallow areas.  If they are forced to take a stab in the deeper areas they’ll hopefully be less successful on the fish supper front and pose far less of a risk to the pond liner.
Sleek, Elegant and Perforating

Trees and plants – either land or water based – will not normally damage the pond liner.  They will, in most cases simply grow around it.  The main exception is bamboo which is, ironically, often chosen as an elegant back drop to domestic ponds.  Bamboo is (just like those elegant freeloaders mentioned above) beautiful but it should be placed away from the pond.  It’s a plant that likes to spread itself about so be sure to keep it under control and away from the pond.  If you want the elegant lines and rustling sound of bamboo close the water’s edge it’s advisable to restrict the plant to containers to avoid it perforating your pond!  Holes caused by plants will not necessarily cause leaks, as the hole will be plugged by the root; it’s only when you remove the plant/root that the leak can become apparent.

Nick Thorping is a freelance writer and part time gardner; he recommends epalyn pond liners as a strong, robust lining when constructing a pond or water feature.

These are just a few simple ways that you can avoid leaks in your garden ponds. Good luck and happy gardening!